Magidor cardinal and Magidor filters

Yair Hayut (TAU)
30/10/2017 - 15:00 - 13:00Add to Calendar 2017-10-30 13:00:00 2017-10-30 15:00:00 Magidor cardinal and Magidor filters In this talk I will define the notion of Magidor Cardinal (\omega bounded Jonsson cardinal) which is a generalization of Jonsson cardinal. I will show that the analog of Jonsson filter for Magidor cardinals is inconsistent with ZFC. This lecture is based on a joint work with Shimon Garti and Saharon Shelah Building 505, Room 65 אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - Department of Mathematics Asia/Jerusalem public
Building 505, Room 65

In this talk I will define the notion of Magidor Cardinal (\omega bounded Jonsson cardinal) which is a generalization of Jonsson cardinal. I will show that the analog of Jonsson filter for Magidor cardinals is inconsistent with ZFC. This lecture is based on a joint work with Shimon Garti and Saharon Shelah

Last Updated Date : 26/10/2017