General Information

Studying mathematics is not only fascinating but it also develops clarity and exact thinking as well as creativity. The mathematics student acquires theoretic and applied tools which will enable him to find employment in a wide variety of public and private fields such as hi-tech companies, government and academic institutes of research and development, banks and financial institutions, and education.


The Department of Mathematics at Bar-Ilan University offers programs of studies towards the following degrees: Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.), Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The tracks in the undergraduate program are: Theoretical Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics for High School Teachers, and Mathematics and Statistics. The teaching program is based on the rich experience of leading Israeli and international universities and is regularly updated by the Teaching Committee of the Department.


Students who have successfully completed their B.Sc. degree can continue their studies for graduate degrees (Master's and Ph.D.) in Theoretical or Applied Mathematics (with a thesis) or in other research areas, such as Brain Sciences, Engineering, etc. In addition, in the framework of studies towards the Master's degree, the Department offers a unique track in Financial Mathematics without a thesis.


The Department of Mathematics at Bar-Ilan University is a leading research center, with two Research Institutes, active seminars in many fields (Analysis, Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Probability, Set Theory, Arithmetic-Geometry-Topology and others), national and international conferences, postdoctoral students, visiting researchers and self-organized learning groups. The faculty members, both senior and junior, engage in high quality research which enjoys international recognition in prestigious journals and is supported by numerous research grants. They use advanced computer tools in researching the wide spectrum of fields in mathematics.