Research Areas

Name Research field
Prof. Ron Adin

Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics

Prof. Gideon Amir

Probability theory – with an emphasis on random walks, interacting particle systems and random graphs

Prof. Baruch Barzel

Applied Mathematics: statistical physics, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics and network science

Dr. Jonathan Beck Representation Theory, Quantum Groups
Prof. Alexei Belov

Ring theory, Semigroup theory, Skew fields, Polynomial automorphisms, Quantization, Symbolical dynamics, Combinatorics of words, Combinatorial geometry and its mechanical applications, Mathematics education

Prof. Shimon Brooks

Quantum chaos, Dynamical systems and Ergodic theory, Spectral theory, Number theory

Prof. Elena Bunina

Chevalley groups, Elementary equivalence, Model theory of linear groups

Prof. Reuven Cohen

Applied mathematics: Complex networks and Random graph theory, Statistical physics, Optimization algorithms, Discrete and computational geometry, Data science

Prof. Naomi Feldheim

Analysis and Probability: Gaussian processes, harmonic and complex analysis

Dr. Dan Florentin

Convex geometry, Asymptotic geometric analysis, Local theory of Banach spaces, Convex billiard dynamics

Prof. Alexander Guterman

Linear algebra and its applications, Noncommutative ring theory, Non-associative algebras, Combinatorial matrix theory, Tropical mathematics, Graph theory, Combinatorial optimization


Prof. Simcha (Simi) Haber

Probabilistic combinatorics, Complex networks, Graph algorithms, Finite model theory, Graph theory, Mathematical and computational finance 

Prof. Eyal Kaplan

Automorphic forms, Representation theory, Integral representations, Covering groups, p-adic groups, Rankin-Selberg integrals

Prof. Mikhail Katz Differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, low-dimensional topology, Riemann surfaces, mathematics education, history of mathematics, infinitesimals
Prof. Nathan Keller

Combinatorics: Discrete Fourier analysis and its applications to combinatorics and related fields   

Cryptography: Design and cryptanalysis of symmetric key cryptosystems


Prof. Boris Kunyavski

Algebraic geometry, Group theory

Prof. Emanuel (Menachem) Lazar

Voronoi tessellations, Polyhedra, Statistical and Aapplied topology, Materials science, Applied and computational mathematics, Dynamical cell complexes, Mean curvature flow, Discrete differential geometry, Universality principles

Prof. Andrei Lerner

Real analysis, harmonic analysis

Prof. Yoram Louzoun

Machine learning and Data analysis in Immunology and Microbiology: Development of algorithms and solutions for a wide range of domains, including bone marrow transplant optimization, machine learning methods for predicting diseases based on the B and T cell repertoires or on the microbiome
Graph based machine learning algorithms

Prof. Eli Matzri

Brauer groups: Division algebras, Crossed products, Symbol length 

Galois theory: Galois modules and Cohomology K-theory: Milnor K-theory 

Algebraic geometry: Brauer-Severi varieties and Norm varieties

Prof. Michael Megrelishvili

Topological dynamics, Topological groups, Representations of dynamical systems on Banach spaces, Transformation (semi)groups in Topology and Functional analysis

Prof. Shahar Nevo

Complex analysis: normal families, operator theory: rational matrix valued functions

Prof. Tahl Nowik

.Low dimensional topology, Finite type invariants, Stochastic topology, Nonstandard analysis


Prof. Evgeny Plotkin Algebra, linear groups
Dr. Shifra Reif

Representation theory, Lie superalgebras, Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, Algebraic combinatorics

Prof. Andre Reznikov

Representation theory and Automorphic functions with applications to Analytic number theory, Geometry, Spectral analysis and Quantum chaos

Prof. Assaf Rinot

Mathematical logic: Combinatorial set theory, Singular cardinals; Combinatorics; Strong colorings; Infinite trees and graphs

Prof. Yuval Roichman

Algebraic and Enumerative combinatorics: the symmetric group and other Coxeter groups, symmetric functions, combinatorial representation theory, permutation statistics and spectral graph theory

Prof. Michael Schein

Galois representations and their modularity, Hilbert modular forms, mod p and p-adic local Langlands correspondences, zeta functions of groups.

Prof. Jeremy Schiff

Mathematical physics, Differential equations, Numerical analysis

Dr. Or Shalom

Ergodic theory and additive combinatorics

Dr. Erez Sheiner

The fundamentals of the structure of supertropical algebras

Prof. Boris Solomyak

Ergodic theory and Dynamical systems, Geometric measure theory

Dr. Eyal Subag

Representation theory, Lie groups and Lie algebras, Mathematical physics

Prof. Boaz Tsaban

Pure mathematics: General and Set Theoretic Topology - selection principles: selective covering and local properties, via infinite-combinatorial methods, with applications to real analysis and Ramsey theory of open covers.

Computational mathematics: Mathematical cryptology - computational questions that form the basis of nonabelian cryptology, especially group-theory based public key protocols


Prof. Uzi Vishne

Division algebras (with or without involutions), Gelfand-Kirillov dimension, Coxeter and Artin groups, Combinatorial group theory and the symmetric groups, Monomial algebras