Forcing with matrices of countable elementary submodels

Roy Shalev (BIU)
09/08/2022 - 13:00 - 11:00Add to Calendar 2022-08-09 11:00:00 2022-08-09 13:00:00 Forcing with matrices of countable elementary submodels We present a forcing poset by Kuzeljevic and Todorcevic {}. The conditions are finite matrices whose rows  consist of isomorphic countable elementary submodels of a given structure of the form H_theta. We will show that this forcing poset adds a Kurepa tree. Moreover, forcing with a "continuous" modification adds an almost Souslin Kurepa tree, i.e., the level set of any antichain in the tree  is not stationary in omega_1. Seminar room אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - Department of Mathematics Asia/Jerusalem public
Seminar room

We present a forcing poset by Kuzeljevic and Todorcevic {}.
The conditions are finite matrices whose rows  consist of isomorphic countable elementary submodels of a given structure of the form H_theta.
We will show that this forcing poset adds a Kurepa tree.
Moreover, forcing with a "continuous" modification adds an almost Souslin Kurepa tree, i.e., the level set of any antichain in the tree  is not stationary in omega_1.

Last Updated Date : 04/08/2022