STARS: Superalgebra Theory and Representations Seminar

Usual Time
Tuesday, 14:00
Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 881 8925 8443

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Rishi Kumar, BGU

A quasi-morphism on a group G​​ is a real-valued function which satisfies the homomorphism equation up to a bounded error. Let Ng​​ be a non-orientable surface of genus g≥ 3​​ and let Homeo0(Ng,μ)​​ be the identity component of the group of measure-preserving homeomorphisms of Ng​​.
We prove that the space of homogeneous quasi-morphisms on the group Homeo0(Ng,μ)​​ is infinite-dimensional. This project is part of an M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Dr. Brandenbursky. 

- , Lie superalgebras, an introductory talk, Maria Gorelik, WIS
Maria Gorelik, WIS
Place: Zoom

This is the first lecture of STARS (Superalgebra Theory and Representations Seminar) series. 

Meeting ID: 919 8455 8186
Password: 663945  

- , Algebraic Structures on Automorphic L-Functions, Gal Dor
Gal Dor

Consider the function field F of a smooth curve over F_q, with q > 2.    

L-functions of automorphic representations of GL(2) over F are important objects for studying the arithmetic properties of the field F. Unfortunately, they can be defined in two different ways: one by Godement-Jacquet, and one by Jacquet-Langlands. Classically, one shows that the resulting L-functions coincide using a complicated computation.

I will present a conceptual proof that the two families coincide, by categorifying the question. This correspondence will necessitate comparing two very different sets of data, which will have significant implications for the representation theory of GL(2). In particular, we will obtain an exotic symmetric monoidal structure on the category of representations of GL(2).


No prior knowledge of automorphic forms is assumed. This work is a part of my PhD thesis under the supervision of J. Bernstein.

- , Root-Reductive Lie Algebras, Thanasin Nampaisarn, WIS
Thanasin Nampaisarn, WIS
Place: Root-Reductive Lie Algebras

Root-reductive Lie algebras are relatively well behaved, countable-dimensional Lie algebras.  In this talk, we shall discuss the definition of these Lie algebras as well as their important subalgebras---Borel subalgebras, Cartan subalgebras, and splitting maximal toral subalgebras.  We shall also dwell on some representations of these Lie algebras if time permits. 

- , An informal discussion on the periplectic Lie superalgebra, Shifra Reif, BIU
Shifra Reif, BIU
Place: Building 216, the one and only seminar room

I will discuss some ideas from a recent breakthrough in the field of Lie superalgebras:

No prior knowledge on Lie superalgebras will be assumed. 

- , Topologically semisimple topological rings, Leonid Positselski
Leonid Positselski
Place: Building 216, Room 201

The classical Wedderburn-Artin theorem describes associative rings A for which the category of A-modules is semisimple. This turns out to be a left-right symmetric property: the category of left A-modules is semisimple if and only if the category of right A-modules is. In this talk, I will present a generalization of the Wedderburn-Artin theory to topololgical associative rings R in which open right ideals form a base of neighborhoods of zero. The talk will start with a discussion of split and semisimple abelian categories and end with a description of topological rings R for which the category of left R-contramodules is split (or equivalently, semisimple) or, equivalently, the category of discrete right R-modules is split (or equivalently, semisimple).

- , L-functions and Functoriality, Avner Segal, Bar-Ilan University
Avner Segal, Bar-Ilan University
Place: Building 216, Room 201

In my previous talk, I described the partial L-functions of cuspidal automorphic representations and said that their conjectured meromorphic continuation is important for the theory of automorphic forms. I then talked about integral representations as a method for proving this meromorphic continuation.

In this talk (which will be mostly independent of the previous one), I will describe a softened version of functoriality (which is the main theme in the Langlands program) and how L-functions help to detect and construct instances of functoriality.

- , The doubling construction for integral representations of L-functions, Amiya Kumar Mondal
Amiya Kumar Mondal
Place: Building 216, Room 201

In this talk, we will present an overview of the doubling construction for integral representations of L-functions. An explicit construction will be presented for quasi-split special orthogonal groups.