Higher-dimensional Dehn functions for S-arithmetic groups

Prof. E. Leuzinger, Institute for Algebra and Geometry KIT, Germany
18/03/2012 - 12:00Add to Calendar 2012-03-18 12:00:00 2012-03-18 12:00:00 Higher-dimensional Dehn functions for S-arithmetic groups A group $\Gamma$ if of type $F_k$ if it admits an Eilenberg MacLane complex with finite k-skeleton. For such groups one can define the (k-1)-dimensional Dehn function, which measures the difficulty to fill (k-1)-cycles by k-chains.  I will describe the optimal higher-dimensional Dehn functions for uniform  S-arithmetic subgroups of reductive groups over global fields.  I will also discuss a conjectural picture for non-uniform S-arithmetic  groups. אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - Department of Mathematics mathoffice@math.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public

A group $\Gamma$ if of type $F_k$ if it admits an
Eilenberg MacLane complex with finite k-skeleton.
For such groups one can define the (k-1)-dimensional Dehn function,
which measures the difficulty to fill (k-1)-cycles by k-chains.
 I will describe the optimal higher-dimensional Dehn functions for uniform
 S-arithmetic subgroups of reductive groups over global fields.
 I will also discuss a conjectural picture for non-uniform S-arithmetic

Last Updated Date : 11/03/2012