Twist conjugacy zeta functions and Reidemeister spectrum

Paula Macedo Lins de Araujo (University of Lincoln)
31/05/2023 - 11:30 - 10:30Add to Calendar 2023-05-31 10:30:00 2023-05-31 11:30:00 Twist conjugacy zeta functions and Reidemeister spectrum A group automorphism f: G —> G induces the action g \cdot x=gx f(g)^{-1} on G. The orbits of such action are called twisted conjugacy classes (also known as Reidemeister classes). The number of such classes for a fixed automorphism is called its Reidemeister number.    One reason for the interest in Reidemeister numbers is that they might give information on the number of fixed points of continuous self-maps of manifolds.  One of the main goals in the area is to classify groups where all classes are infinite.  For groups not having such property, one is interested in the possible sizes of the classes. In this talk, we will discuss how zeta functions of groups can be used to determine these (finite) sizes for certain nilpotent groups. ================================================ Meeting ID: 878 5613 2062 Zoom only אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - Department of Mathematics Asia/Jerusalem public
Zoom only

A group automorphism f: G —> G induces the action g \cdot x=gx f(g)^{-1} on G. The orbits of such action are called twisted conjugacy classes (also known as Reidemeister classes). The number of such classes for a fixed automorphism is called its Reidemeister number. 


One reason for the interest in Reidemeister numbers is that they might give information on the number of fixed points of continuous self-maps of manifolds.  One of the main goals in the area is to classify groups where all classes are infinite.  For groups not having such property, one is interested in the possible sizes of the classes. In this talk, we will discuss how zeta functions of groups can be used to determine these (finite) sizes for certain nilpotent groups.


Meeting ID: 878 5613 2062

Last Updated Date : 22/05/2023