The 2012 Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union

28/05/2012 - 09:00הוספה ליומן 2012-05-28 09:00:00 2012-05-28 09:00:00 The 2012 Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union Program General session Nagel building (bldg. 507), entrance floor 9:00-9:30 Registration 9:30-10:00 Business Meeting 10:00-10:50 David Kazhdan (Hebrew University) The Classical Master Equation 10:50-11:10 Coffee break 11:10-12:00 Jonathan Wahl, first Sackler Lecture (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Topology versus geometry of a complex singularity 12:00-12:10 Prize Ceremony 12:10-13:00 Ran Raz The PCP theorem 13:00-14:30 Lunch (Building 1004)     Special Sessions   Algebra and Number Theory Organizer: Shlomo Gelaki Building 507, room 1 14:30-15:20 Louis Rowen (Bar Ilan University) Representability of algebras 15:25-16:15 Dmitry Gourevitch (Weizmann Institute) Derivatives for smooth representations of GL(n,R) and GL(n,C) 16:35-17:25 Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel Aviv University) Hilbertian fields and Galois representations 17:30-18:20 Uri Onn (Ben Gurion University) Arithmetic groups and their representation zeta functions       Analysis Organizer: Semyon Alesker, Shahar Nevo Building 507, room 6 14:30-15:00 Dmitry Faifman (Tel Aviv University) Some characterizations of the Fourier transform 15:10-15:40 Shahar Nevo (Bar Ilan University) Differential inequalities, normality, and quasi-normality. 15:40-16:10 Coffee break 16:10-16:40 Yonutz V. Stanchescu (Afeka Academic College and Open University of Israel) Inverse Additive Problems for Minkowski sumsets 16:50-17:20 Ronen Eldan (Tel Aviv University) On the connection between Thin-Shell concentration and the isoperimetric inequality on convex bodies.       Discrete Math and Computer Science Organizer: Nathan Keller Building 507, room 6 14:30-15:00 Asaf Shapira (Tel Aviv University) Testing Linear-Invariant Properties of Boolean Functions 15:00-15:30 Tali Kaufman (Bar Ilan University) Symmetry and Locally Testable Codes 15:30-16:00 Shakhar Smorodinsky (Ben Gurion University) Hitting Sets Online and Vertex Ranking 16:00-16:30 Coffee break 16:30-17:00 Doron Puder (Hebrew University) Uniform Words are Primitive 17:00-17:30 Gil Cohen (Weizmann Institute) Non-Malleable Extractors and Applications to Privacy Amplification 17:30-18:00 Ohad Noy Feldheim (Tel Aviv University) Three Edge Lengths Suffice for Drawing Outerplanar Graphs       Dynamics and Ergodic Theory Organizer: Yair Glasner Building 507, room 105 14:30-15:15 Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt) Complicated residually finite groups 15:20-16:10 Izhar Openheim (Technion) Local criteria for Kazhdan property (T) 16:10-16:40 Coffee break 16:40-17:30 Uri Shapira (ETH Zurich and Technion) Grids with dense values and applications.       Mathematical Education Organizer: Tahl Nowik Building 507, room 7 14:30 - 15:15 Ornit Spektor-Levy (Da-Gan Center, School of Education, Bar Ilan University) Mathematical Literacy in Pre-school - Concrete and Experiential Learning 15:15 - 16:00 Ravit Tal-Shir (Central district, Matia Rishon-Lezion, Ministry of Education) Mathematics special education 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 - 17:15 Moshe Rein (Clusters of Knowledge - Skill Training and Developing Ltd) Mathematics of a Different Nature, Project Teenagers Teaching Children Math 17:15 - 18:00 Hagar Gal (David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem) Problematic Learning Situations in Geometry       Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Organizer: Simeon Reich and Alex Zaslavski Building 507, room 4 14:30-15:30 Alexander D. Ioffe (Technion) Semi-algebraic geometry, metric regularity and tame optimization 15:00-15:30 Luba Tetruashvili (University of Haifa) A Sequential Ascending Parameter Method for Solving Constrained Minimization Problems 15:30-16:00 Gershon Wolansky (Technion) On optimal partitions 16:00-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-16:45 Simeon Reich (Technion) Bregman Strongly Nonexpansive Operators in Reflexive Banach Spaces 16:45-17:15 Yaniv Almog (Louisiana State University) A Rigorous Proof of the Maxwell-Claussius-Mossotti Formula 17:15-17:45 Elza Farkhi (Tel Aviv University) The Metric Derivative of Set-Valued Functions 17:45-17:55 Coffee break 17:55-18:25 Shoham Sabach (Technion) A First Order Method for Finding Minimal Norm-Like Solutions of Convex Optimization Problems 18:25-18:55 Alexander J. Zaslavski (Technion) Stability of a Turnpike Phenomenon for a Discrete-time Optimal Control System       Philosophy and History of Mathematics Organizer: Misha Katz Building 507, room 3 14:30-15:10 Leo Corry (Tel Aviv University) Axiomatics Between Hilbert and the New Math: Diverging Views on Mathematical Research and Their Consequences on Education 15:15-15:55 Alexandre Borovik (University of Manchester) Protomathematics, metamathematics, and some challenges in philosophy of mathematics 16:00-16:30 Coffee break 16:30-17:10 Carl Posy (Hebrew University) Category Theory and Mathematical Intuition 17:15-17:55 Michael Fried (Ben Gurion University) Opposite and Conjugate Sections in Apollonius' Conica       Probability Organizer: Ariel Yadin Building 507, room 2 14:30-15:15 Loren Coquille (University of Geneva) On the Gibbs measures of the 2d Ising and Potts models 15:25-16:10 Amir Yehudayoff (Technion) Reconstruction under known noise 16:10-16:30 Coffee break 16:30-17:15 Ron Rosenthal (Hebrew University) Random walks on simplicial complexes       Topology and Geometry Organizer: Dan Mangoubi Building 507, room 5 14:30-15:10 Bruno Duchesne (Hebrew University) Rigidity properties for action on infinite dimensional symmetric spaces of finite rank. 15:15-15:55 Nir Lazarovich (Technion) Uniqueness of homogeneous CAT(0) polygonal complexes 15:55-16:30 Coffee break 16:30-17:10 Yaron Ostrover (Tel Aviv University) Convex billiards - a symplectic geometry point of view. 17:15-17:55 Egor Shelukhin (Tel Aviv University) On quasimorphisms for the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.     המחלקה למתמטיקה Asia/Jerusalem public Program

General session

Nagel building (bldg. 507), entrance floor




Business Meeting


David Kazhdan (Hebrew University)

The Classical Master Equation


Coffee break


Jonathan Wahl, first Sackler Lecture (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Topology versus geometry of a complex singularity


Prize Ceremony


Ran Raz

The PCP theorem


Lunch (Building 1004)



Special Sessions


Algebra and Number Theory
Organizer: Shlomo Gelaki

Building 507, room 1


Louis Rowen (Bar Ilan University)

Representability of algebras


Dmitry Gourevitch (Weizmann Institute)

Derivatives for smooth representations of GL(n,R) and GL(n,C)


Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel Aviv University)

Hilbertian fields and Galois representations


Uri Onn (Ben Gurion University)

Arithmetic groups and their representation zeta functions




Organizer: Semyon Alesker, Shahar Nevo

Building 507, room 6


Dmitry Faifman (Tel Aviv University)

Some characterizations of the Fourier transform


Shahar Nevo (Bar Ilan University)

Differential inequalities, normality, and quasi-normality.


Coffee break


Yonutz V. Stanchescu (Afeka Academic College and Open University of Israel)

Inverse Additive Problems for Minkowski sumsets


Ronen Eldan (Tel Aviv University)

On the connection between Thin-Shell concentration and the isoperimetric inequality on convex bodies.




Discrete Math and Computer Science
Organizer: Nathan Keller

Building 507, room 6


Asaf Shapira (Tel Aviv University)

Testing Linear-Invariant Properties of Boolean Functions


Tali Kaufman (Bar Ilan University)

Symmetry and Locally Testable Codes


Shakhar Smorodinsky (Ben Gurion University)

Hitting Sets Online and Vertex Ranking


Coffee break


Doron Puder (Hebrew University)

Uniform Words are Primitive


Gil Cohen (Weizmann Institute)

Non-Malleable Extractors and Applications to Privacy Amplification


Ohad Noy Feldheim (Tel Aviv University)

Three Edge Lengths Suffice for Drawing Outerplanar Graphs




Dynamics and Ergodic Theory
Organizer: Yair Glasner

Building 507, room 105


Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt)

Complicated residually finite groups


Izhar Openheim (Technion)

Local criteria for Kazhdan property (T)


Coffee break


Uri Shapira (ETH Zurich and Technion)

Grids with dense values and applications.




Mathematical Education
Organizer: Tahl Nowik

Building 507, room 7

14:30 - 15:15

Ornit Spektor-Levy (Da-Gan Center, School of Education, Bar Ilan University)

Mathematical Literacy in Pre-school - Concrete and Experiential Learning

15:15 - 16:00

Ravit Tal-Shir (Central district, Matia Rishon-Lezion, Ministry of Education)

Mathematics special education

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 17:15

Moshe Rein (Clusters of Knowledge - Skill Training and Developing Ltd)

Mathematics of a Different Nature, Project Teenagers Teaching Children Math

17:15 - 18:00

Hagar Gal (David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem)

Problematic Learning Situations in Geometry




Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization
Organizer: Simeon Reich and Alex Zaslavski

Building 507, room 4


Alexander D. Ioffe (Technion)

Semi-algebraic geometry, metric regularity and tame optimization


Luba Tetruashvili (University of Haifa)

A Sequential Ascending Parameter Method for Solving Constrained Minimization Problems


Gershon Wolansky (Technion)

On optimal partitions


Coffee break


Simeon Reich (Technion)

Bregman Strongly Nonexpansive Operators in Reflexive Banach Spaces


Yaniv Almog (Louisiana State University)

A Rigorous Proof of the Maxwell-Claussius-Mossotti Formula


Elza Farkhi (Tel Aviv University)

The Metric Derivative of Set-Valued Functions


Coffee break


Shoham Sabach (Technion)

A First Order Method for Finding Minimal Norm-Like Solutions of Convex Optimization Problems


Alexander J. Zaslavski (Technion)

Stability of a Turnpike Phenomenon for a Discrete-time Optimal Control System




Philosophy and History of Mathematics
Organizer: Misha Katz

Building 507, room 3


Leo Corry (Tel Aviv University)

Axiomatics Between Hilbert and the New Math: Diverging Views on Mathematical Research and Their Consequences on Education


Alexandre Borovik (University of Manchester)

Protomathematics, metamathematics, and some challenges in philosophy of mathematics


Coffee break


Carl Posy (Hebrew University)

Category Theory and Mathematical Intuition


Michael Fried (Ben Gurion University)

Opposite and Conjugate Sections in Apollonius' Conica




Organizer: Ariel Yadin

Building 507, room 2


Loren Coquille (University of Geneva)

On the Gibbs measures of the 2d Ising and Potts models


Amir Yehudayoff (Technion)

Reconstruction under known noise


Coffee break


Ron Rosenthal (Hebrew University)

Random walks on simplicial complexes




Topology and Geometry
Organizer: Dan Mangoubi

Building 507, room 5


Bruno Duchesne (Hebrew University)

Rigidity properties for action on infinite dimensional symmetric spaces of finite rank.


Nir Lazarovich (Technion)

Uniqueness of homogeneous CAT(0) polygonal complexes


Coffee break


Yaron Ostrover (Tel Aviv University)

Convex billiards - a symplectic geometry point of view.


Egor Shelukhin (Tel Aviv University)

On quasimorphisms for the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.



תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/06/2016