Meeting in honor of Steve Shnider's Retirement

On Sunday June 15 the Department of Mathematics at Bar-Ilan University is holding a 1-day meeting in honour of Steve Shnider's retirement. This is a satellite meeting of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting being held at Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities June 16-19. Part of the meeting is joint with theConference on Quantum Groups, Deformations and Geometry in memory of Joseph Donin, who worked extensively with Steve.
Steve's mathematical career spans over 40 years (he received his PhD from Harvard in 1972). In this time he has done research in many different areas of mathematics with many collaborators from all over the world, all of whom know him as a careful, deep-thinking scientist with remarkably broad interests.
All talks will be held in the seminar room on the top floor of the math building - building 216, room 201. Tentative schedule (please check back closer to the date for changes, titles etc):
- 9:30-9:45 Opening remarks, Louis Rowen (Bar-Ilan)
- 9:45-10:30 Shlomo Sternberg (Harvard): A report on the Alexeev-Meinrenken approach to Kostant's cubic Dirac operator.
- 10:30-11:15 Martin Markl (Czech Academy): My work with Steve.
- 11:15-11:35 Coffee
- 11:35-12:20 Steve Shnider (Bar-Ilan): Mathematical Modeling in Babylonian Lunar Theory
- 12:20-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-14:30 Dmitry Gurevich (Universite de Valenciennes): Deformation Quantization and Braided Geometry: with Joseph and after
(talk also part of the Joseph Donin Memorial Conference) - 14:30-15:00 Joseph Bernstein (Tel Aviv) A remark on quantization of Harish-Chandra modules
(talk also part of the Joseph Donin Memorial Conference) - 15:00-15:30 Coffee
- 15:30-16:20 Jeremy Schiff (Bar-Ilan): Gauge theory and integrable systems - some of Steve's work
- 16:20-end Greetings from colleagues - and the last word from Steve
On Tuesday evening June 17 there will be an informal dinner event - details to follow.
Meeting parcipitants might also be interested in the Amitsur Symposium on June 15 at Bar-Ilan. And for sure look at the program of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting to be held at Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities June 16-19.
There is no conference fee, but please send email to Jeremy Schiff if you intend to participate, so we can be properly prepared.
We are happy to accept greetings from colleagues overseas who cannot attend to be read out at the meeting, please send by email to Jeremy Schiff.
Steve's books:
- Supermanifolds, Super Twistor Spaces and Super Yang-Mills Fields with Ron Wells (free download from the link).
- Quantum Groups: From Coalgebras to Drinfeld Algebras with Shlomo Sternberg.
- Operads in Algebra, Topology and Physics with Martin Markl and Jim Stasheff.
- Geometrical and topological methods in gauge theories: proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Research Institute, McGill University, Montreal, September 3-8, 1979 with John Harnad.
- Quantum Groups: Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings, Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Joseph Donin, July 5-12, 2004, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology with Pavel Etingof and Shlomo Gelaki.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/06/2016