Quantum Groups, Deformations, and Geometry A Conference in Memory of Joseph Donin

17/06/2014–15 - 12:15הוספה ליומן 2014-06-15 12:15:00 2014-06-17 12:15:00 Quantum Groups, Deformations, and Geometry A Conference in Memory of Joseph Donin   This satellite conference of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Joseph Donin, who suddenly passed away in January 2004. One of the fields Joseph Donin was actively working in was the deformation of algebraic structures on geometric spaces. He devoted his last 16 years to equivariant quantization of G-manifolds. The conference will cover equivariant quantization and related topics of quantum algebra and representation theory. Applications to mathematical physics including integrable systems will also be addressed. Organizers: Prof. Roman Bezrukavnikov Department of Mathematics, MIT, bezrukav@math.mit.edu Prof. Steven Shnider Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, shnider@math.biu.ac.il Prof. Andrey Mudrov Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, am405@le.ac.uk Contact persons: Vadim Ostapenko, Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, ostap@math.biu.ac.il, 054-5754623 Andrey Mudrov, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, am405@le.ac.uk Link to conference program in pdf format Tentative schedule below (please check back closer to the date for changes). All talks in the seminar room on the top floor of the math building - building 216, room 201.   Sunday June 15 (Joint with the Meeting in honor of Steve Shnider's retirement) 13:30-14:30 Dmitry Gurevich (Universite de Valenciennes): Deformation Quantization and Braided Geometry: with Joseph and after 14:30-15:00 Joseph Bernstein (Tel Aviv) A remark on quantization of Harish-Chandra modules   Tuesday June 17 14:30-14:45 S. Shnider, The Years I spent with Joseph 14:50-15:20 Andrei Mudrov (Leicester), On representations of quantum conjugacy classes 15:25-15:55 S. Khoroshkin 16:00-16:30 A. Stolin, On Classification of Quantum Groups 16:35-17:00 Tea, coffee and biscuits 17:00-17:30 I. Loseu, Minimally supported representations of Rational Cherednik algebras and invariants of torus knots 17:35-18:05 A. Appel, Cohomological properties of universal relative twists 19:00 Dinner Meeting parcipitants might also be interested in the Amitsur Symposium on June 15 at Bar-Ilan. And for sure look at the program of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting to be held at Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities June 16-19.   List of participants Appel A., USC Los Angeles, andrea.appel@usc.edu Bernstein J., TAU, bernstei@post.tau.ac.il Bezrukavnikov R., MIT, bezrukav@math.mit.edu Gurevich D., Universite de Valenciennes, dimitri.gourevitch@univ-valenciennes.fr Khoroshkin S., ITEP, khor@itep.ru Loseu I., Northeastern University, i.loseu@neu.edu Mudrov A., University of Leicester, am405@le.ac.uk Ostapenko V., BIU, ostap@math.biu.ac.il Rowen L., BIU, rowen@math.biu.ac.il Shnider S., BIU, shnider@math.biu.ac.il Stolin A., Chalmers University of Technology, astolin@chalmers.se המחלקה למתמטיקה mathoffice@math.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public

This satellite conference of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Joseph Donin, who suddenly passed away in January 2004. One of the fields Joseph Donin was actively working in was the deformation of algebraic structures on geometric spaces. He devoted his last 16 years to equivariant quantization of G-manifolds. The conference will cover equivariant quantization and related topics of quantum algebra and representation theory. Applications to mathematical physics including integrable systems will also be addressed.


Contact persons:

  • Vadim Ostapenko, Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, ostap@math.biu.ac.il, 054-5754623
  • Andrey Mudrov, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, am405@le.ac.uk

Link to conference program in pdf format

Tentative schedule below (please check back closer to the date for changes).
All talks in the seminar room on the top floor of the math building - building 216, room 201.


Sunday June 15

(Joint with the Meeting in honor of Steve Shnider's retirement)


Tuesday June 17

Meeting parcipitants might also be interested in the Amitsur Symposium on June 15 at Bar-Ilan. And for sure look at the program of the Second Joint AMS-IMU Meeting to be held at Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities June 16-19.


List of participants

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/06/2016