Around Birkhoff's conjecture for convex and other billiards

Prof. Misha Bialy (Tel Aviv University)
12/11/2017 - 13:00 - 12:00Add to Calendar 2017-11-12 12:00:00 2017-11-12 13:00:00 Around Birkhoff's conjecture for convex and other billiards Birkhoff's conjecture states that the only integrable billiards in the plane  are ellipses. I am going to give a survey of recent progress in this conjecture and to discuss  geometric results and questions around it. No prior knowledge of the subject will be assumed. Math. Building, 2nd floor cooloquium room אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה למתמטיקה Asia/Jerusalem public
Math. Building, 2nd floor cooloquium room
Birkhoff's conjecture states that the only integrable billiards in the plane 
are ellipses. I am going to give a survey of recent progress in this conjecture and to discuss 
geometric results and questions around it. No prior knowledge of the subject will be assumed.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/11/2017