Nonpositive immersions and counting cycles

Prof. Daniel Wise (McGill University and Technion)
25/05/2016 - 11:30 - 10:30Add to Calendar 2016-05-25 10:30:00 2016-05-25 11:30:00 Nonpositive immersions and counting cycles The "nonpositive immersion" property is a condition on a 2-complex X  that generalizes being a surface. When X has this property,  its  fundamental group appears to have has some very nice properties which  I will discuss. I will spend the remainder of the talk outlining a  proof that the nonpositive immersion property holds for a 2-complex  obtained by attaching a single 2-cell to a graph. This was proven  recently with Joseph Helfer and also independently by Lars Louder and Henry Wilton. Third floor seminar room אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה למתמטיקה Asia/Jerusalem public
Third floor seminar room

The "nonpositive immersion" property is a condition on a 2-complex X

 that generalizes being a surface. When X has this property,  its

 fundamental group appears to have has some very nice properties which

 I will discuss. I will spend the remainder of the talk outlining a

 proof that the nonpositive immersion property holds for a 2-complex

 obtained by attaching a single 2-cell to a graph. This was proven

 recently with Joseph Helfer and also independently by Lars Louder and Henry Wilton.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/05/2016