Spectrality of Product Domains

Rachel Greenfeld, Bar-Ilan University
14/05/2018 - 15:00 - 14:00Add to Calendar 2018-05-14 14:00:00 2018-05-14 15:00:00 Spectrality of Product Domains A set $\Omega$ in $R^d$ is called spectral if the space $L^2(\Omega)$ admits an orthogonal basis consisting of exponential functions. Which sets $\Omega$ are spectral? This question is known as "Fuglede's spectral set problem". In the talk we will be focusing on the case of product domains, namely, when $\Omega = AxB$. In this case, it is conjectured that $\Omega$ is spectral if and only if the factors A and B are both spectral. We will discuss some new results, joint with Nir Lev, supporting this conjecture, and their applications to the study of spectrality of convex polytopes. 2nd floor Colloquium Room, Building 216 אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה למתמטיקה mathoffice@math.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
2nd floor Colloquium Room, Building 216

A set $\Omega$ in $R^d$ is called spectral if the space $L^2(\Omega)$ admits an orthogonal basis consisting of exponential
functions. Which sets $\Omega$ are spectral? This question is known as "Fuglede's spectral set problem".
In the talk we will be focusing on the case of product domains, namely, when $\Omega = AxB$.
In this case, it is conjectured that $\Omega$ is spectral if and only if the factors A and B are both spectral.
We will discuss some new results, joint with Nir Lev, supporting this conjecture, and their applications
to the study of spectrality of convex polytopes.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/05/2018