Isomorphic subgroups of finite solvable groups

Prof. George Glauberman (University of Chicago)
27/11/2019 - 11:30 - 10:30Add to Calendar 2019-11-27 10:30:00 2019-11-27 11:30:00 Isomorphic subgroups of finite solvable groups In 2014, Moshe Newman asked the following question:  If two subgroups of a finite solvable group are isomorphic and one is a maximal proper subgroup of G, must the other also be a maximal proper subgroup of G?  This question is still open.  I plan to discuss recent results with Geoffrey Robinson that give some sufficient conditions for an affirmative answer.   Third floor seminar room (room 201, building 216) אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה למתמטיקה Asia/Jerusalem public
Third floor seminar room (room 201, building 216)

In 2014, Moshe Newman asked the following question:  If two subgroups of a finite solvable group are isomorphic and one is a maximal proper subgroup of G, must the other also be a maximal proper subgroup of G?  This question is still open.  I plan to discuss recent results with Geoffrey Robinson that give some sufficient conditions for an affirmative answer.


תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/11/2019